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Beetroots or some species of yam.

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Q: What are purple root veggies?
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How is the purple coneflower grown?

The purple coneflower propagates easily from seed or by root cuttings

What is the latin root for purple?

Latin nouns meaning purple are : purpura, ostrum, conchylium, mureux.As an adjective, purple is purpureus.

Is Pokeweed a flower?

It has small white flowers and purple berries and a poisonous purple root, it is a herb

What is the common food do ghanaian's eat?

Fufu, a starchy dish made out of plantains and root veggies! :)

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What color is poi?

Poi is made from the Taro root, which is purple.

What is the square root of mango?

kumquat or negative kumquat

What is the bloom color of the Crested Coral Root Orchid?

Purple is the color of the Crested Coral Root (Hexalectris spicata).Specifically, the flowers can be white or yellow with streaks of brownish to reddish purple. They have a white or yellow three-lobed lip. The lip tends to be marked with reddish purple ridges.

What is the bloom color of the Spotted Coral Root Orchid?

Purple is the color of the bloom color of the Spotted Coral Root (Corallorhiza maculata).Specifically, the flowers and the stem are about the same purple to bronze color. But the flower has a white lip that is spotted purple. The center of the flower sports a yellow spot.