

What are qualative observations?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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Qualitative observations could also be called qualitative data, and would be data not related to exact numbers. Such observations could be warmth, flavor, gender, or yes-no answers to questions.

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What is qualative data?

it is data that has to do with a qualities of something, i.e color shape feel...(etc) while quantitative has to do with numbers and quantities.

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qualative skills include analytical tools such as statistics, forecasting, risk management, and LEAN Six Sigma

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Quantitative data deals with numbers and data that are measurable. Qualitative data, meanwhile, deals with descriptions and data that are observable but not measurable.

What is the difference between quantitive and qualitive observations?

Quantitative observations are observations that can be precisely measured. Qualitative observations, meanwhile, are subjective observations that are based on the characteristics of what is being observed.

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Quantitative observations are observations with numbers

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Her own observations and the observations of others 

How do quantitative observations differ from qualitative observations?

quatitative observations have to do with QUANTITY and qualitative observations have to do with QUALITY.

What types of observations include numbers?

Quantitative observations (as opposed to qualitative observations, which do not include numbers)