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They are nothing since there is no such word!

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Q: What are quanities?
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An example of a substance that is nutritious in small quanities but is poisonous in large quanities?

There are many substances that are toxic in large amounts, but are vital for human health. One of these is cobalt.

What is absorbed is large quanities in the large intestines?


What do you call large quanities of water vapor in the air?


What is common multiples?

a quanity into which each of two or more quanities

Where do you get bricks?

There are many brick suppliers. For small quanities, you can check craigslist.

What are the 2 classifications of industrial work?

Manufafacturi. And marketing and distribution in mass quanities

Which condition is a life-threatening condition caused by excessive quanities of the thyroid hormones?


What is the two inside quanities of a proportion called?

meansThe two outside one are the extremes.

What is the SI units for expressing quanities?

Meter (m), kilogram (kg), second (s), ampere (A) and so on.

Why is wood non magnetic?

Wood does not cantain Iron (Fe) in any quanities that would attact a magnet.

What compares or shows the relationship between two quanities?

A ratio expresses the relationshp between two quantities.

What are the example of scalar quanities?

Mass,distance,time,volume,speed,work,energy,power,temperature etc.