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For example, to count the elements in a set that happens to have 33 elements.

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Q: What are real world uses of the number 33?
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What is a 33 sided polygon called?

A 33-sided polygon is called a "tritriacontagon." The naming convention for polygons uses a combination of Greek prefixes and the suffix "-gon" based on the number of sides. In this case, "tri-" represents the number 3 and "triaconta-" represents the number 30, resulting in "tritriacontagon" for a 33-sided polygon.

What is As in the periodic table?

As is arsenic. Its atomic number is 33. It is in period 4, group 15. Arsenic has many uses, such as wood preservatives, insecticides, and alloys, among other uses.

Which baseball players currently wear the number 33?

Nick Swisher wears uniform number 33 for the 2011 New York Yankees. The Captain number 33 Jason Varitek for the 1998-present Boston Red Sox 2 time world champion

Where in France is telephone country code 0033 1?

Country code +33 (dialed as 00 33 from many places) is the code for France, followed by the subscriber number without the leading '0'. (For example, Paris numbers begin with +33 1, not with +33 01.)+33 1 = Paris region+33 2 = northwest+33 3 = northeast+33 4 = southeast+33 5 = southwest+33 6 and +33 7 = mobiles+33 8 = freephone and shared-cost numbers (may not be accessible from outside France)+33 9 = non-geographic numbers, including VoIP(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

What element in the periodic table is AS?

As is arsenic. Its atomic number is 33. It is in period 4, group 15. Arsenic has many uses, such as wood preservatives, insecticides, and alloys, among other uses.

Is 33 a triangular number?

No, 33 is not a triangular number.

Is 33 a Composite Number or Prime Number?

33 is a composite number.

Doncaster to Holland the UK code?

The Netherlands uses country code +33. So, from the U.K. you dial 00 33 then the Dutch number minus its leading zero. For example, Amsterdam 020 1234567 becomes 00 33 20 1234567.

What Is The Answer To Number 33 on The Impossible Quiz?

Number 33 is 7.

Is 33 is prime composite number?

33 is a composite number.

Is 33 a prime number or a composite number?

33 is a composite number because 11 can go into 33 3 times and itself and 1 can go into 33. :)