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Q: What are restriction deficient cells?
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What is the best explanation for why a restriction enzyme does not cut the DNA of the cell that produces it?

Restriction enzymes are made by cells to protect their own DNA from being cut. These cells produce a modification enzyme that adds a methyl group to specific sites on their own DNA sequence, which prevents the restriction enzyme from cutting. This process is known as "methylation protection."

What do animal and plant cells have that bacteria cells don't?

One thing bacteria has that animal and plant cells do not is restriction enzymes for fighting off the attack of viruses.

What is the classify of 321 abundant or perfect or deficient?

It is deficient.

When muscle cells break down glucose to generate ATP under oxygen deficient conditions what is formed?

Lactic acid

When muscle cells break down glucose to generate ATP under oxygen deficient conditions what will they form?

Lactic Acid

When muscle cells break down glucose to generate ATP under oxygen deficient conditions they will form?

Lactic Acid

Is 23 abundant of deficient?

It is deficient.

What is a collection of cells containing DNA fragments produced by restriction enzymes and incorporated into plasmids?

A DNA LibraryA collection of cells containing DNA fragments produced by restriction enzymes and incorporated into plasmids is called a DNA library. RNA can manufacture DNA via the action of reverse transcriptase.

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Is 15 abundant or deficient?

15 is deficient.