These are solids whose corresponding sides are in the same proportion, and all its angles are equal.
Those would be called similar solids.
The ratio of the volumes of two similar solids is proportional to the cube of the diameter - or of any other linear measurement. For example, at twice the diameter, you would have 8 times the volume.
Median and mode are in mathematics.
64 729
Math and Lacrosse are not similar at all, and I never even think about math when I am out on the field unless I forgot to do my math homework then i will forget about it.
All solids do no have same properties. They possess different properties.
Those would be called similar solids.
People and animals and clocks. also geometric solids! math is power!
The corresponding sides of similar solids have a constant ratio.
The ratio of the volumes of two similar solids is proportional to the cube of the diameter - or of any other linear measurement. For example, at twice the diameter, you would have 8 times the volume.
scale factor
Worm, maggots and similar things that decompose organic solids in the ground.
decide whether the solids are similar chapter 12