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Q: What are some -positive and negative impacts that free trade has on a country?
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What had both negative and positive impacts on the natives of America?

The arrival of Europeans in America had both negative and positive impacts on the natives. Negative impacts included enslavement, forced displacement, loss of land, and introduction of diseases. Positive impacts included new technologies, introduction of crops and animals, and access to trade networks. However, the overall impact was largely negative, as the native populations experienced significant loss of life, culture, and sovereignty.

What are some positive impacts that the crusades had on Europe?

Trade increase

Negative balance of trade?

A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance is referred to as a trade deficit.

What were the positive and negative impacts Samuel de Champlain had on Canada's development?

Positive impacts: Samuel de Champlain was instrumental in establishing the first permanent European settlements in Canada, such as Quebec City, which laid the foundation for French colonization in the region. He also established positive relationships with Indigenous peoples through trade and alliances, contributing to the development of the fur trade industry. Negative impacts: Champlain's colonization efforts led to conflicts with Indigenous peoples over land and resources, resulting in violence and displacement. His actions, along with those of other European colonizers, had long-lasting negative effects on Indigenous communities, including the loss of land, culture, and autonomy.

What were the negative side of slave trade?

The negative impacts of the slave trade include the dehumanization of enslaved individuals, the destruction of families and communities, the perpetuation of racial prejudice and discrimination, and the long-lasting socio-economic disparities that continue to affect descendants of enslaved individuals.

How do you think Australia's location impacts its trade?

Because I think it impacts trade...

What are the positive and negative effects of the WTO?

We can see how other countries are developing,also we can trade inside borders with a positive outcome. :)

What are the Positive and negative effect of Mediterranean trade route?

Positive: Cultural diffusion between Africa, India, The Middle East, and Europe. Negative: Depleted Natural resources of the area

What positive impacts does fur trade have on the native people?

the native people can trade goods with the europeans that they don't used to have,which meant better technologies and more convienience in their daily life.

When a country runs a trade deficit it does so by?

Countries run trade deficits by selling assets to or borrowing from foreign countries. A trade deficit happens when a country has a negative balance of trade.

What are the positive and negative aspects of international trade?

Positive aspects of international trade include access to products unavailable locally and the ability to sell local items to customers in other countries, which increases GDP. Negative aspects include dependency on foreign products and communication difficulties.

How might the growth in trade have affected the life of an ordinary person in europe?

The growth in trade might have affected the life of an ordinary person in Europe in either a positive or negative way. It could be negative because you would have to rely on people in Africa and Asia for your goods. But, it could be positive because as trade increased, towns along major trade routes held trade fairs and became important business centers.