

Best Answer

The common multiples of 20 and 56 are the multiples of their lowest common multiple, which is 280; there are infinitely many of them and they start:

280, 560, 840, 1120, 1400, 1680, 1960, 2240, 2520, 2800, 3080, 3360, 3640, 3920, 4200, 4480, 4760, 5040, 5320, 5600, 5880, 6160, 6440, 6720, 7000, 7280, 7560, 7840, 8120, 8400, 8680, 8960, 9240, 9520, 9800, 10080, 10360, 10640, 10920, 11200, 11480, 11760, 12040, 12320, 12600, 12880, 13160, 13440, 13720, 14000, 14280, 14560, 14840, 15120, 15400, 15680, 15960, 16240, 16520, 16800, 17080, 17360, 17640, 17920, 18200, 18480, 18760, 19040, 19320, 19600, 19880, 20160, 20440, 20720, 21000, 21280, 21560, 21840, 22120, 22400, 22680, 22960, 23240, 23520, 23800, 24080, 24360, 24640, 24920, 25200, 25480, 25760, 26040, 26320, 26600, 26880, 27160, 27440, 27720, 28000, ...

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