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Abortive medications include triptans, ergot alkaloids, NSAIDs, combination analgesics, and antiemetics.

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Q: What are some examples of abortive medications?
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Related questions

When are abortive medications taken?

Abortive medications are taken at the first sign of a migraine attack. About 20% of migraine patients have headaches preceded by an aura, or brief period of warning symptoms.

What is an abortive cost?

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Provide some examples of non-formulary medications?

Non-formulary medications are dependent on your health insurance. Contact them for information of formulary and non-formulary medications

What part of speech is abortive?

Abortive is an adjective.

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What is abortive transduction?

Abortive transduction occurs when a bacteriophage injects its genetic material into a bacterial cell, but the viral DNA fails to replicate and instead integrates into the host bacterial genome. This can result in a mixed bacterial population with some cells acquiring new genetic traits from the phage.

How do you make sentence with abortive?

One sentence is; Unfortunately, the mission turned out abortive. OR; he made an abortive attempt to include the negotiations.

What determines the abortive medications for migraine?

According to the severity of the patient's headaches, the presence of nausea or vomiting, the patient's response to the drug, and the presence of such comorbid conditions as depression or epilepsy.

What is abortiveness?

Abortiveness is the quality of being abortive, or the result of being abortive or bringing on abortion.

What are ototoxic medications?

Ototoxic medications are poisonous to the ear. Examples are gentamycin and cisplatin.

What does an abortive effort mean?

An abortive effort is one that comes to an early and abrupt end. For example, John mad several abortive efforts to start his own business.

How can you use the word abortive in a sentence?

The insurgents' abortive attempts to infiltrate our lines were rebuffed by our advance teams.