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Of course, one of the most well known is the Dodo. The following are not as well known but they became extinct due to man's lack of foresight. The Sea Cow, the largest marine mammal belonging to the order Sirenia. The Saddle-Backed Giant Tortoises from the Island of Rodrigue's. The Last Wild Quagga (similar to a Zebra) was killed by a hunter in the late 1870's. The Tasmanian Wolf (or Tasmanian Tiger) died in captivity in 1936. During the Nineteenth century, the Cape Lion (1858), Falkland Island Wolf (1876), and the Sea Mink (1894). During the Twentieth Century, the Barbary Lion (1922), Bali Tiger (1937), Queen of Sheba's gazelle (1951), Japanese Sea Lion (1951), Caribbean Monk Seal (1952), Javan Tiger (1976).

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Q: What are some examples of extinction?
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Some examples of mass extinctions include the Permian-Triassic extinction event, which wiped out around 96% of marine species, and the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, famously known for causing the demise of the dinosaurs. These events resulted in significant disruptions to global biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.

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The nouns in the sentence are species and extinction.

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Some examples of animals currently facing extinction include the black rhinoceros, the orangutan, the Sumatran elephant, and the Amur leopard. These species are threatened by factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these animals and prevent their extinction.

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No Killer Whales are not near extinction even though hunting still goes on in some countries for the blubber.

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The two devices that assist in the prevention of extinction are: game reserves and lodges (frequently with hunting) and zoos.

When the last member of a species dies is said to have occurred.?

the answer to the question is extinction