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animals, humans, bugs, ect...

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Q: What are some examples of living factors?
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Temperature sunlight and water are examples of what?

Factors to which living things respond.

Living organisms in an ecosystem are examples of factors of a biome?


Name two parts of an ecosystem and give two examples of each part?

The two main parts of the ecosystem The biotic factors: all the living and once-living parts of the ecosystem; plants, animals, fungi... The abiotic factors: all the non-living factors in the ecosystem; temperature(air), rocks, water

What are examples of abiotic?

Factors that are not living. i.e. does not perform life processes.

What is a limiting factor and some examples of limiting factors?

A limiting factor is a factor that limits the growth, distribution, or abundance of a population in an ecosystem. Examples include food availability, competition for resources, predation, disease, and environmental conditions such as temperature or water availability.

How are biotic factors different from abiotic factors in a environment?

Biotic factors are living components in an environment, such as plants and animals, that interact with each other. Abiotic factors are non-living components like temperature and sunlight that also influence the ecosystem but do not involve living organisms.

Examples of biotic factor?

Biotic factors in an ecosystem are living organisms that interact with each other. Some examples include plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. These factors play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem through their relationships and interactions.

What are three examples of abiotic factors in the Chicago river?

Three examples of abiotic factors in the Chicago River are water temperature, pH levels, and dissolved oxygen levels. These factors can have a significant impact on the health and ecosystems of the river.

Examples of abiotic and biotic factors?

Biotic simply means a living thing or a thing in earth that has life.ex.Animals, Trees, Plants, etc.Abiotic simply means a non-living thing or a thing in earth that had no life.ex.Water, Climate, Temperature, etc.

When studying migration a low cost of living and a mild climate are examples of?

pull factors.

What are some biotic factors of the Arctic tundra?

Some biotic factors in the Taiga include animals, plants, bacteria, etc.

What are some examples of boitic factors?

Examples of biotic factors in an ecosystem include plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other living organisms that interact with each other and their environment. These factors play a crucial role in shaping the ecosystem's structure and dynamics through various types of relationships such as competition, predation, and mutualism.