

What are some examples of mitosis?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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14y ago

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First of all, the difference between MITOSIS and MEIOSIS is simple.

Meiosis is ONLY for the replication of sex cells. Where one cell divides twice to create four gametes (sperm or egg). Each gamete has half the number of chromosomes needed to create a full cell so when they come together, they create one full cell. This allows for Mitosis to happen, creating a new being.

Mitosis is for the replication of body cells, basically everything else that is not a sex cell. One cell divides once with the end result being two complete cells. All bodily tissues are included in this type of cell replication (ie, skin, organs, bone, etc.)

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Q: What are some examples of mitosis?
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Meiosis and Mitosis. I believe Meiosis is only for gametes.

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Why do some species employ both mitosis and meiosis where others only use mitosis?

Some species use both mitosis and meiosis because they have specialized reproductive cycles that involve both processes. Mitosis is used for growth, development, and tissue repair, while meiosis is specifically used for the production of gametes (sex cells) for sexual reproduction. In contrast, species that only use mitosis for reproduction have simpler life cycles and reproduce asexually, without the need for meiosis to generate genetically diverse offspring.

What are some reasons why a cell would have to go through mitosis in a body?

Your cells have to grow, repair themselves and reproduce. Mitosis is the process in which they do this.

What is mitosis in Tagalog?

Mitosis in Tagalog is "mitosis."

There are some cells that can not go through Mitosis In other words an organism can not make any new ones when the cells die Human nerve and muscle cells are examples?

That's correct. Nerve and muscle cells are examples of cells that are incapable of undergoing mitosis to generate new cells once they have matured. This is due to their specialized functions and structures that make it challenging for them to divide and replicate. Instead, these cells are typically replaced through repair processes, such as tissue regeneration or repair by stem cells.