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Some good dinner ideas for under 20 dollars are spaghetti, tacos and chili. All three of these meals use hamburger meat, which is the least expensive meat. The rest of the ingredients are fairly inexpensive. All three meals will feed many people and are quick to prepare.

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Q: What are some good dinner ideas for under 20 dollars?
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Where can I get ideas for dinner?

Some good dinner ideas can be found at the Wisegreek website and the Shockingly Delicious website. Both website contain a lot of dinner recipes for home use.

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Some good dinner ideas for two when eating out in downtown LA are the romantic restaurants called The Little Door which is french, or Providence which specialize in seafood.

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You will need to be a magician and stretch your dollars as far as possible. You can make hot dogs or hamburgers and mac and cheese. You can also do cheap pot pies.

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Dinner is good time whem all family memeber sit togather and get meal. So, every days dinner ideas should be unique and delicious. Browse my blog( )where you can delicious and simple ideas for diner for Monday - Sunday night .

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Some good ideas may be to have chocolate dipped fruit - i.e.. strawberries. Other ideas may be to have a long quiet romantic dinner with your significant other!

Where can I find good dinner ideas?

You can easily find cool dinner ideas on the allrecipes website. However, I think that maybe you can also check in your cookbook too. Anything would be fine for your parents as long as you made it.

Where can one search for easy dinner ideas?

One can search for easy dinner ideas at BBC Good Food. Here a comprehensive list of possible starters, mains, deserts and sides can be found to suit everyone's tastes.

What are some good dinners for girls?

Some good dinner ideas would be noodles, pizza, macaroni and cheese or your favorite soup.

What cookbooks can I use to find ideas for dinner for a family dinner?

Check recipes online or maybe check the food network channel to get some good ideas. I also recommend you check local stores and ask the employees for help.

Cheap dinner ideas for a family?

You can make hamburger helper with some mashed potatoes and a side of green beans as a very cheap dinner option that is actually good. Other ideas include making tacos or buying dough to make biscuits.

What are some unisex gift ideas for teenagers around thirteen to seventeen and under fifteen dollars for Christmas?

CDs and DVDs are good unisex gifts, but you would need to choose them carefully.

What are some quick and easy dinner recipes?

There are so many quick and easy dinner recipes that are also very good. You can go to and find several ideas and they have some of my favorites.