If you study trigonometry you learn the definitions of the trigonometric functions by means of the acronym SOH CAH TOA which stands for sine: opposite over hypotenuse; cosine: adjacent over hypotenuse; tangent: opposite over adjacent. This is a very useful acronym.
what are some examples of conversion, in math not in science
Here are some examples of different types of mathematics.AdditionAlgebraDivisionMultiplicationRoundingSubtractionSymmetry
rating of medication influences, returning on marketing investment, and Rule out myocardial infraction are all acronyms of ROMI. There are other acronyms as well if the one you are looking for is not listed.
they measure the size of the garbage bag.
As you probably know, acronyms are abbreviations formed from the initials of terms/words. Examples of some common acronyms include:- HD - High Definition CC - Carbon Copy PO - Post Office TT - Table Tennis
The quickest and easiest way to find acronyms for PSM is to visit a few websites; some examples of which are as follows: AcronymFinder, All-Acronyms and AcronymAttic.
what are some examples of conversion, in math not in science
There are quite a few acronyms based upon CREO. Civil Rights and Equal Opportunities, Commercial Real Estate Organization, and Committee on Recently Extinct Organisms are just a few examples.
counting 123
The acronym MDM stands for many different things. Some examples of MDM's acronyms include Master Data Management, Mobile Data Management, Medium and many other acronyms can be made.
Here are some examples of different types of mathematics.AdditionAlgebraDivisionMultiplicationRoundingSubtractionSymmetry
There are many different acronyms of ETOPS. Some acronyms of ETOPS are, Extended Twin Engine Operations, Extended Twin Engine Over Water, or Engine Turning or Passenger Swimming.
Some of the good math-answer sites include WebMath, Purple Math, mathworld, mathonweb, sparknotes.com, and many others.
There are quite a number of various acronyms that POU could stand for. Some examples are Point Of Use, Program Organization Unit, and Philosophy Of Use.