

Best Answer

Q: Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel?

A: Because it had more cents.

Q: Why was the math book sad?

A: Because it had too many problems.

Q: What kind of meals do math teachers eat?

A: Square meals!

Q: Teacher: Now class, whatever I ask, I want you to all answer at once. How much is six plus 4?

A: Class: At once!

Q: Why didn't the two 4's want any dinner?

A: Because they already 8!

Q: What is a math teacher's favorite sum?

A: Summer!

Q: What is a butterfly's favorite subject at school?

A: Mothematics.

Q: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a Jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

A: Pumpkin Pi!

Q: What did zero say to the number eight?

A: Nice belt.

Q: Teacher: Why are you doing your multiplication on the floor?

A: Student: You told me not to use tables.

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