Have a look at the online directory for Math sheets in the related links. Hope they provide some guidance.
I know you can get some free printable worksheets at worksheets galore dot com. They have many to download and print out for reuse in classrooms year after year.
A great resource for printable math worksheets is the Education website. An individual can print 10 free worksheets a month for free. For around $50/year an individual can have unlimited access to their printable worksheets.
You can get free maths lessons online at www.extra maths work.co.uk
Very Good! Expect to be in top set for year 8. It will be very hard. Answer That is equivalent to c-b grade GCSE! Well I got 6A for Maths and i got into bottom set out of 4 sets but to be fair I do go to Englands best school.
i think its ok if you get anything in between 4 and 6 and dont worry i think its amazing good luck
Jumpstart.com is a great resource for parents. You may also want to try scrib.com for free downloadable worksheets.
I know you can get some free printable worksheets at worksheets galore dot com. They have many to download and print out for reuse in classrooms year after year.
Go to holidayworksheets dot com to find some thanksgiving worksheets. They also have worksheets for the other holidays of the year. Your class will love them.
WorksheetPlace.com has worksheets on all subjects, so no doubt you can find some on shapes! Just print them out and you're good to go! Geometry is easy, once you get the hang of it. I would know, I just passed it this year! Good luck!
Education.com offers free fraction worksheets so that you can teach your 8-year-old math. Also try out www.math-drills.com and www.homeschoolmath.net. There are lots of sites on the internet that can help you.
Worksheets are a great way to give your preschooler some fun and also get them ready for Kindergarten! This website has worksheets for the early grades, and their preschool ones are very fun! http://www.education.com/worksheets/preschool/ This website has their worksheets organized by subject and only has them for preschool and kindergarten, so you may actually be able to prep your daughter for things she'll need to know next year! http://kidslearningstation.com/
Yes, that isexcellent.
Only if they go to good schools.
The website www.hellokids.com is a great site for printing off worksheets for children 7-12 years old. There are various types of worksheets, ranging from games, stories, math and crafts.
Your nine year old son will love the subtraction worksheets from the subtractionworld site. They have many that are fun and interactive with kids to learn better.
Superteacherworksheets.com offers lots of grammar worksheets for teachers. Some are free, but most require a membership which is only $19.95 per year.
maths syllebus of b.S.c. Second year