Most children learn through repetition so that is always a good way to teach hard math concepts. In addition, using relevant examples keep a child's interest while use of flash cards help reinforce the concept.
They can help you to explain relationships in ways that are hard to explain in words.
You have to keep practicing, I'm trying to draw spiky hair too (I got floppy hair good). It's hard to explain, but I will explain it as best as I can. You have to make some kind of zig-zag pattern on the head, maybe curve it slightly if you are just drawing the side of the persons head. (LIKE I SAID, ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN) :(
it is a mathematics source and is hard to explain
You cannot become a mathematics genius. You can become good at it by working hard to understand the concepts and practice your mathematics. Depending on you age, the last could be number bonds, times tables or algebraic or trigonometric identities.
Sensible but hard to explain
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
Hard to explain. It is a good smell though.
boring, colorless, not eye-catching, its hard to explain...
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
It is very hard to explain but it doesn't smell good
Hard to Explain was created on 2001-06-25.
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
That is a very good question. But it is very hard to explain without the visualization of demonstration.
hard luck