Imagination includes whatever u think should have or must have happened,Imagination differs from every person i cant guess thing u want as answer
i is the Imaginary Unit, equal to sqrt(-1). So i and any real number multiplied by i will all be imaginary numbers. Here are some: i, -i, 5i, -3i, i*pi, etc.
it is an imaginary line which runs through the middle of the globe
Yes. The number 1 + i is imaginary but not pure imaginary, while 5i is pure imaginary.
Rafael Bombelli defined imaginary numbers in 1572, and Descartes named them 'imaginary' in 1637. It wasn't until the work of Euler in the 1700's that a usefulness for imaginary numbers was found, though. See the Wikipedia articles I linked for some good information on imaginary and complex numbers. I also linked an explanatory video that is pretty good as well.
No difference. The set of complex numbers includes the set of imaginary numbers.
Some are real and some are imaginary
Some antonyms for "imaginary" are - actual, real, substantial, true
i is the Imaginary Unit, equal to sqrt(-1). So i and any real number multiplied by i will all be imaginary numbers. Here are some: i, -i, 5i, -3i, i*pi, etc.
An imaginary force that made things alive.
Steps to get rid of imaginary feces: 1: Leave some imaginary feces 2. Flush the toilet 3. While the toilet swirls, leave some imaginary urine in it 4. Say this "I can't believe I actualy believed that guy on Wiki Answers" 5. Say bye to your imaginary feces!
imaginary dreamings and inner sexual activities
I was wondering the same thing.. But to try answer your question. I think imaginary friends may be like acting. A Christian should watch a movie with cursing, sex and violence and so and son because we should focus on positive things like colassions 1:16 says focus on things noble and true. So I guess as long as your imaginary friend doesn't become an idol and you don't do sinful things like pretend to have premarital sex , get drunk , rape , or gay encounters or sinful things by God rules . I assume Having an imaginary friend okay as long as they live a Christian imaginary lifestyle!
Imaginary animals. I imagine some are, some are not. What do you imagine?
it is an imaginary line which runs through the middle of the globe
Xanadu, Gotham, Dark City,