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Q: What are some items that you use everyday that can be recycled?
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What are everyday items that use air?

The everyday items that use air are humans like you and animals.

Are membership cards printed on recycled material?

From what I have understood of this company yes. All of their products have the right to claim that they use recycled material to produce their product. They seem to make various items and all of these items are made from recycled material.

How are similar triangles used in everyday life?

we use triangles in our everyday life.while constructing buildings,different chain modals,cookery items,etc. are some examples of triangles that we use in our everyday life.

What items did Han Chinese made that we use everyday?

Everyday things Chopsticks, squat toilets, Yuan ( RMB or Chinese currency ) some common things just like the things you use in your country.

What are some everyday items that contain silicon?

There are quite a few items that are in use everyday that contain silicon. These include computers, cars, textiles, laundry detergent, fabric softener, deodorant, defoamers, bread pans, paper coatings, elastomers, and roofing materials.

How do you make a guitar with recycled items?

To make a guitar with recycled items, you can repurpose a wooden box or a piece of wood for the body, use metal bottle caps as tuners, and repurpose metal strings from old guitars or other sources. You can also use recycled electronics for pickups and other components. Get creative with the materials you have on hand to build a unique and eco-friendly guitar.

Challenges of living on an island?

You are cut off from some of the everyday items people use, you have to hunt for your food, and you have to (most of the time) build or find shelter.

Are computers made of recycled materials?

A few computers use recycled plastic in their cases, and most steel and aluminum items contain recycled (scrap) metal that has gone back into the metal supply. But most components of computers are made from new materials.

Is there any scientist who invented something?

Yes, countless items we use everyday. Some are very simple like Velcro while others are more complicated like space ships. Science affects our lives everyday in every way.

How long do you use paper?

Paper can be used over and over again. By erasing pencil and starting over a paper can be used several times. Paper recycled can be used for years and years if the items keep being recycled.

Name 1 use for magnets in everyday life?

Magnets are used in everyday life for holding items on refrigerators, such as notes and photos.

What is justiciable issue?

I have some furniture and appliances at a home that I lease to my ex-girl friend. She will not return the items because she cliams they were gifts. The items were not gifts but meant for her and I to use. I did not live there but was there everyday and I did spend the night at times. Is this a justiciable issue I can take to court to get the items back? I'm still paying for the items.