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A brick weighs one kilogramme plus half-a-brick.

What is its weight?

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Q: What are some math tricks?
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Do card tricks involve math?

Some don't.

Can you tell me about some math tricks?


Do magic tricks involve math?

Some do although most don't

How many tricks are there in maths?

There are a bunch of tricks to make figuring math problems easier. See the discussion for some that I'll post.

What are Magic Tricks?

Magic Tricks are tricks, illusions, bends and etc that magicians use to perform for their audience to entertain them.Interesting fact: Some Magic Tricks are made possible because the magician uses Science, Math, Physics and Chemistry to accomplish it.

Does math fun activities include tricks?

Yes, why not?

Is there math in skateboarding?

no!Yes like when your skate board goes completely around its a 360 anythingif it goes around twice its 720we use math to identify some tricks

What are some tricks bottlenose dolphins can do?

ball tricks, jumping,

What rhymes with 5 6?

bag of tricks

Tricks for v5 tamagotchi?

enter www.tamatalk .com and there is some tricks ou can have..! have fun

What are some math tricks for learning your multiplication tables?

There are many tricks to learning multiplication tables. One is the rhyme '8 times 8 fell on the floor and when it woke up it was 64'. Another is to know that all the nine multiplication tables add up to 9 up to 9 times 10.

What are some easy tricks for guinea pigs?

I have seen many tricks done, click the link, and look for guinea pig tricks