millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, meter, kilometer.
a millimeter is 1/10th of a centimeter
A centimeter is about .397 of an inch, or a little less than a half
a decimeter is 10 centimeters
a meter is 100 centimeters and a meter is about 3.28 ft, so like 3 feet and a little more than 3 inches
a kilometer is 1000 meters and is like .62 of a mile
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In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.In the metric system, lengths are calculated in meters.
Metric units include millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, and meters.
"Metric conversion" refers to the change from English units of measurement to metric units.
They should start using ONLY metric units. It is high time that the United States starts using international units.
I do because I prefer metric units. The majority of the world uses metric units but you don't have to! Just don't try trading with most people.I do because I prefer metric units. The majority of the world uses metric units but you don't have to! Just don't try trading with most people.I do because I prefer metric units. The majority of the world uses metric units but you don't have to! Just don't try trading with most people.I do because I prefer metric units. The majority of the world uses metric units but you don't have to! Just don't try trading with most people.