Yes, there was both in the middle ages. Part of the time, people also believed in Purgatory which was a middle part between where you worked off your sins and then be judged. Martin Luther was convinced to stop it and correct the church. He was a priest. I'm not christian so there might be some more information that you might need
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The Middle Ages were a time in Europe after the Fall of Rome and lasting about 1000 years. There are other times in other places that are referred to using the same term with the place attached, such as the Japanese Middle Ages, which happened at different times but had conditions similar to the European Middle Ages in some way. There was no such time in the US.
See the question: What are some weapons used in the middle ages?
Different groups of people have different ideas about the Middle Ages. Today, probably a majority of historians have the Middle Ages lasting from the 5th century to the 15th century. Some historians call the first half of that time the Dark Ages, and have the Middle Ages lasting from the 11th century to the 15th.
Knights existed in the middle ages. They were soldiers providing service for a country or a monarch.
yes a woman did travel in the middle ages
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Some people regard the Middle Ages as beginning when the ancient times ended. Others have the ancient times ending in the middle of the 5th century, and the Middle Ages starting in the 11th. According to the first of these, the time between the ancient times and the Middle Ages is called the Early Middle Ages, but the later usage would have it be called the Dark Ages.