There are myriad species of bacteria.
A myriad of colors refers to a large and diverse range of colors. It suggests a wide array of hues, shades, and tones. It can be used to describe something that is vibrant, varied, and visually appealing in terms of its color palette.
That is the correct spelling.
Primarily a noun but also used as an adjective, myriadmeans an indefinite, very large number. Examples: * "A myriad of lightning bugs illuminated the trees." (noun) * "I was in awe of the myriad stars that could be seen that clear, summer night." (adjective)
Primarily a noun but also used as an adjective, myriadmeans an indefinite, very large number. Examples: * "A myriad of lightning bugs illuminated the trees." (noun) * "I was in awe of the myriad stars that could be seen that clear, summer night." (adjective)
Some words containing the root word "myriad" are "myriadly" and "myriads." "Myriad" itself means a countless or extremely great number.
It is myriad of emotions.
The Myriad was created in 2004.
I saw a myriad of girls running into the mall. *myriad just means crowd
Myriad of Lights was created in 1948.
There are myriad species of bacteria.
Myriad = very many. Hue = colour.
Johnny always has a myriad of excuses! A myriad of insects poured forth from the splintered log.
The duration of Myriad of Lights is 2.02 hours.
Myriad Pictures was created in 1999-01.
myriad is pronounced mir-ee-ad
There was a myriad of mirrors in the House of Mirrors Mansion. (noun) He was confused by the myriad choices in his company's health plan. (adjective)