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Q: What are some of the advantages of greater diversity in the work place?
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What are some advantages to sexual reproduction?

Its hella fun. and genetic diversity. Some argue that the evolutionary process is more expressed in species using sexual reproduction.

What are some advantages of sexuall reproduction?

more offspring

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What are negative impacts diversity has on cultures and civilizations?

One of the greatest advantages is diversity, and yet if the people choose not to learn from one another or accept one another for their differences then the biased behaviors - racism and the like - become some of the most debilitating negatives to happen to a society.

How could greater genetic diversity have lessened the devastation of the potato blight?

Greater genetic diversity in potato plants would have increased the likelihood of some plants being resistant to the blight. These resistant plants could have survived and continued to produce food, making the impact of the blight less severe. Additionally, diverse genetic material would have provided opportunities for breeding programs to develop more resistant varieties more quickly.

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A formed government recognized by foreign governments. A stonger military and Navy More industrial facilities and resources Greater population Greater lines of transportation

How does china handle cultural diversity?

Diversity In The Chinese WorkplaceDiversity in the Chinese Work Place In terms of race, there is very little diversity in Chinese businesses. China currently has the worlds' largest population at 1.2 billion people which could be a reason of the lack of racial diversity in business. Even though there is a lack of racial diversity that does not mean that there is no diversity in Chinese businesses. Diversity is not limited to just race or ethnic background, which is what most people think diversity is. Diversity also includes different cultures, backgrounds, lifestyles, personalities and basically anything different. Since China lacks racial diversity, most of their diversity in the Chinese work place comes from the different regions in which each worker is from. Some of the major regions in China are Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. All are located in the country of China and may all speak Chinese but there is a cultural difference among them which adds to the diversity in Chinese businesses. The Chinese

What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching National Geographic channel?

Advantages of watching the National Geographic channel include educational content, inspiring documentaries, and a focus on nature and science. However, a disadvantage could be limited diversity in programming and potential biases in storytelling.

What are some advantage to using a conveyor system in a bottling plant?

There are multiple advantages to using a conveyor system in a bottling plant. The most striking is the increased efficiency that a system would bring to the plant. Others include greater ability to track products with increased management in place.

What are some advantages of asexual and sexual reproduction?

Advantages of asexual reproduction include rapid reproduction and the ability to produce offspring without the need for a mate. Advantages of sexual reproduction include genetic diversity, which can help populations adapt to changing environments and reduce the accumulation of harmful mutations.

What are some causes of biodiversity?

History (more time permits more complete colonization and the evolution of new species), Spatial heterogeneity (physically or biologically complex habitats provide more niches), Competition (competition affects niche partitioning, in tropics greater beta diversity because animals and plants are more restricted in their habitat requirements), Predation (predators can determine diversity by altering competition among their prey), Climate (fewer species can tolerate unfavorable or variable environment conditions, stable and favorable conditions lead to increased diversification and specialization), Climate variability, Productivity (greater productivity=greater diversity), disturbance (moderate disturbance retards competitive exclusion).What causes biodiversity is the interaction between organisms or life forms.In a place where life forms stay is where interaction happens.