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Q: What are some of the solutions to the problems of using a manual system of registration?
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What are the advantages of using a manual information system?

A manual information system will help all of your employees understand how to code. When all of your employees know how to code, your business will have little down time.One advantage of a manual information system is the fact that employees will be able to maneuver through the system with no problems. Any problems that may occur, they will be able to find and fix quickly.

List the Information system problems and their solutions?

manual system is a system involving data processing which does not make used of stored data, so it is hard to do programs like recording some data or information using this system because it may cause a wasting of time and losting some files, to overcome this problem you may use a computerized sysetm to work it easily.

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Some potential solutions to the problems of the Philippine educational system include increasing education funding to improve resources and infrastructure, providing more and better training for teachers, implementing curriculum reforms to make education more relevant to students' needs, and enhancing access to quality education in rural and marginalized areas.

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Systems analysts are the architects, as well as the project leaders, of an information system. It is their job to develop solutions to users' problems, determine the technical and operational feasibility of their solutions, as well as estimate the costs to develop and implement them

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advantages of onlne student registration