A string palindrome is some words that put together form a sentence. An example is "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama".
A string palindrome is some words that put together form a sentence. An example is "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama".
Some examples are - radar, minim, civic, Hannah, deleveled, level. refer and rotator
A palindrome (: example: detartrated
Palindrome, Pale, Paleness, Paleocene
A string palindrome is some words that put together form a sentence. An example is "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama".
A string palindrome is some words that put together form a sentence. An example is "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama".
level, civic, radar, rotor
Some examples are - radar, minim, civic, Hannah, deleveled, level. refer and rotator
A palindrome (: example: detartrated
Palindrome words: madam, peep, Otto, racecar, rotator Palindrome numbers: 121, 265,562, 74,947, 8,030,308
The term for when words are spelled forwards then backwards is a palindrome. This means that the word reads the same in both directions.
The palindrome of "genders" is "sredneg." Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same backward as forward.
A word that is spelled the same backwards is called a palindrome.