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Q: What are some positive and negative aspects of Egypt?
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Some positive aspects to growing cities would be community and improvement to the economy. Some negative aspects would be pollution and crime rate.

What are some positive and negative aspects of a registered nurse?

Negative- bedbaths old people. positive- pay obviously.

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Positive - you look great in uniform Negative - you may die in battle.

Is Egypt traditonal economy?

NO. Modern Egypt is a mixed economy, with some aspects of capitalism, some aspects of cronyism, some aspects of planned economics, and some aspects of a traditional economy. However, Egypt is primarily capitalist and cronyist.

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Try to see some positive qualities in other people, not just concentrate on the negative aspects.

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positive, he made the law for marride and trained tigers negative, he killed millions and millions of people and killed 9/10 wives.

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Science is the way from we can learn all things . Science will never die . some negative points of science are it has made bombs through which some people doing wrong things .

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you can say a negative aspect of family may be: - in some families abuse either physical, mental, sexual, financial emotional, neglect and may be in a step family Discriminatory maybe from the other children of step parent the positive may be that it make you feel secure and love and that you are never neglected

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It should be medical effects. There are always some positive and negative aspects of medical products. So, it should be effects and not affects.

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Because the cosine of some angles is positive and the cosine of some other angles is negative.