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Q: What are some positive and negative effects of the spice trade?
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We can see how other countries are developing,also we can trade inside borders with a positive outcome. :)

What are some of the positive and negative effects of the silk road?

One of the positive effects of the Silk Road is that it promoted cultural diffusion. Another one is that it increased trade among other civilizations, allowing them to expand their possibilities. One of the negative effects is it also resulted in thievery, murder, and other crimes along the trade route.

What were negative effects of the spice trade?

Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage. Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage.

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Colonies got financial aid, but had to endure trade restrictions

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Positive effects included establishing trade relationships and gaining valuable geographic knowledge from First Nations people. Negative effects included spreading diseases to indigenous populations and contributing to the displacement and loss of traditional lands.

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One of the positive aspects of international trading is that is boosts incomes and creates job. One of the disadvantages of international trade is that the labor standards in other countries are lower than that of the US.

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It caused many people to die but also led to the incresed industry of the sex trade.

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people had jobs. learned how to trade items. made an underdeveloped continent something big

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During colonial times, the nation was extremely diverse and filled with Dutch, English, Spanish, and German settlers. Negative affects of ethnic diversity included heavy restrictions placed on anyone not considered to be American. Positive effects included increased trade and revenues.

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negatives effect of international trade

Negative balance of trade?

A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance is referred to as a trade deficit.

What were the positive and negative effects of European exploration?

The positive effects were that the explorers gained wealth and fame; they were able to bring back new items to their home country; they were able to bring back large quantities of spices, silver, etc.; and new trade routes were developed. The negative effects were that explorers were at risk of death; if the trip failed a lot of money would be wasted; and there were risks that the explorers could bring diseases back to their home countries.