Using Pythagoras's theorem to calculate the diagonal of a rectangle. Useful if you want to know if you can turn a table around in a room.
Or, as happened to someone who will remain anonymous, whether you can put up a wardrobe that has been assembled on the floor of a room. No, it was not me and no, the wardrobe could not be put up - it had to be taken apart and put together in position.
Cell phone companies
Ir is in some people's real life. Example: millions of students that want to pass algebra.
Because it's needed in everyday life - whether adding up a shopping bill or solving complex equations in your job.
If you are a scientist, engineer or mathematician, there are too many examples to list. If you aren't, then there are basically none, except in finance.
well, if you know all the formulating equations it will make you better at regular equations and regular equations can be used in everyday life
School is part of real life... if you are using equations in school that is real.
Determunants simplified the rule for solving simultaneous linear equations.
Cell phone companies
You will apply them when solving quadratic equations in which the quadratic expression cannot be factorised.
Ir is in some people's real life. Example: millions of students that want to pass algebra.
Because it's needed in everyday life - whether adding up a shopping bill or solving complex equations in your job.
Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.
If you are a scientist, engineer or mathematician, there are too many examples to list. If you aren't, then there are basically none, except in finance.
well, if you know all the formulating equations it will make you better at regular equations and regular equations can be used in everyday life
Well, cauchy-riemann differential equation is a part of complex variables and in real-life applications such as engineering, it can be used in determining the flow of fluids, such as the flow around the pipe. In fluid mechanics, the cauchy-riemann equations are decribed by two complex variables, i.e. u and v, and if these two variables satisfy the equations in an open subset of R2, then the vector field can be asserted from the two cauchy-riemann equations, ux = vy (1) uy = - vx (2) This I think can help interpreting the potential flow (Wikipedia) in two dimensions using the cauchy-riemann equations. In fluid mechanics, the potential flow can be analyzed using the cauchy-riemann equations.
Equations are not especially useful for solving most of the real-life problems that people face, which is too bad, since problems that can be reduced to equations are likely to be solved before long if not immediately. However, there are many problems in the physical sciences and engineering that lend themselves to mathematical modeling and equations and modern computer allow many difficult computations to be made quickly. Statistical methods and computer simulations can solve problems where precise equations can not be found. Also, the mental discipline developed in learning any sort of mathematics will help you develop reasoning skills that will help you solve many real life problems in the future.
what are the applications on elasticity