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Q: What are some real life applications that use symmetry and coordinate graphs?
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If Your An Pilot Then You Need To Know How To Get To The right Spot.

What are applications of bar-graphs in daily life?

For statistical purposes as for example the likely-hood of a sports team beating another team based on past performance.

What would the world be without coordinate plane?

The coordinate plane has helped people create graphs. With out graphs, we wouldn't be able to track stocks or display/compare information. The coordinate plane has also been a foundation for maps. The coordinate plane goes by (x,y), where a map goes by (letter, number) or (latitude, longitude). The coordinate plane is the reason we can find where a place is on the map. Because of this, satellites can also show us where we are on a gps and we can get directions via sateliite. The coordinate plane plays a big impact on our life.

How graphs are used in your life at home?

Graphs can be used at home, especially if you're remodeling.

Where do you use graphs in day to day life?

Architects and if you study Geometry you will have to use graphs.

How are graphs used in real life?

they are not trust me

Why is symmetry important in life?

Because when you go to places you can use the knowledge of symmetry.

How is symmetry useful in daily life?

inart ,architectureand books

Where can you find symmetry in everyday life?

in a book

Where is symmetry used in real life?

The body has symmetry. The right and left sides are (near) mirror images.

Real life example of the coordinate plane?

The Military

Real life example of a line symmetry?

A real-life example of line symmetry is a butterfly. If you draw a line down the middle of a butterfly, the two sides mirror each other, creating symmetry.