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Scientific notation is a short hand way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small such as 10,000,000 = 1.0*107 or 0.0000001 = 1.0*10-7

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Q: What are some real life uses for scientific notation?
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What are some examples that are not written in scientific notation?

0.0000034 2460000000 these are not in scientific notation

What are some jobs that use scientific notation?

Physicist, chemist, biologists, and doctors all use scientific notation.

0.002378 in scientific notation?

0.002378 in scientific notation is 2.378 X 10 ^(-3); some write it as: 2.378E-3

Why does a calculator express some numbers in scientific notation?

because some numbers are tooo big for the screen so the calculator puts it in scientific notation form

When would you scientific notation?

You use scientific notation when it comes to "too large" or "too small" numbers. The purpose of this is to save some time to do the computation and also to make people's life easier to compute values instead of writing them out completely! For instance, if we want to compute this expression: 1012301230912409 + 12901348093584542523 Then, we need to convert them into scientific notation!

What is measured in scientific notation?

Nothing is measured in scientific notation. Scientific notation is used merely to represent the result of some measurement - especially when that outcome is a very small or a very large number.

What button is a shorcut for scientific notation on a scientific calculator?

Some calculators have a "x10x" button.

How is 14 written in scientific notation?

1.4 X 10 (to the FIRST power) ((Scientific Notation starts with some number, the left-most digit of which is some number of ONES!))

Where is scientific notation used in every day life?

scientific notation is used when extremly high amounts of one type of object is being used such as money or chemicals. it is also always used in chemistry because some of the stuff as a chemist is calculated in moles.

Who are some people that use scientific notation?

Almost all scientists and people working in a scientific discipline.

Careers that deals with scientific notation?

well, right now im doing a project that haves to do with scientific notation. and in one of them you have to find a career that haves to do with scientific notation and you have to explain it. anywho, these are some of the careers: archeologists chemist and so fort!! i hope i answered your question.

What is 5607890 in scientific notation?

It is 5.60789*106, though by retaining almost all the digits, you lose some of the advantages of using scientific notation.