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Q: What are some speed measurements?
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What is used to take weather measurements?

Wind speed

What two measurements are invloved with speed?

Time and distance.

What is vector system?

Vector systems are a branch of mathematics that is used to manipulate measurements that have a value as well as a direction. Common examples are velocity, acceleration, force, etc - measurements involving motion. However, some motion-related measurements are not vectors. Distance, speed are not.

Which measurements would not be used to solve for average speed?

There are too many measurements that wouldn't have to be made in order to calculate an average speed. The only measurements that would matter in the most general example are the distance travelled and the time it took.

If A student measures the speed of a rolling ball three times. She adds the measurements and divides by 3. What quantity did the student calculate?

She obtained the average speed of the three measurements.

What two measurements do you need to measure speed?

The distance and time.

What are other measurements needed to calculate speed?

To calculate speed, you need distance and time measurements. The speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. It helps provide information about how fast an object is moving.

Which two measurements are needed in order to calculate the speed of an object in motion?

The two measurements needed to calculate the speed of an object in motion are distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance. Speed is calculated as distance divided by time.

Distance measurements based on the speed of light?

Distance measurements using the speed of light involve determining the time it takes for light to travel a certain distance. By measuring this time and knowing the speed of light, one can calculate the distance. This principle is used in technologies such as radar, LiDAR, and GPS for accurate distance measurements.

What are the three measurements related to the study motion?

distance, speed, and time

The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed?

distance and time

What measurements do you need to calculate the speed of a train?

distance travelled and time taken average speed = distance/time