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Q: What are some statistics about the extremes of county sizes and populations?
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What are statistics?

The word "Statistics" which comes from the Latin words status, meaning a political state, originally meant information useful to the state, for example, information about the sizes of population sand armed forces. But this word has now acquired different meanings.· In the first place, the word statistics refers to "numerical facts systematically arranged". In this sense, the word statistics is always used in plural. We have, for instance, statistics of prices, statistics of road accidents, statistics of crimes, statistics of births, statistics of educational institutions, etc. In all these examples, the word statistics denotes a set of numerical data in the respective fields. This is the meaning the man in the street gives to the word Statistics and most people usually use the word datainstead.· In the second place, the word statistics is defined as a discipline that includes procedures and techniques used to collect, process and analyze numerical data to make inferences and to research decisions in the face of uncertainty. It should of course be borne in mind that uncertainty does not imply ignorance but it refers to the incompleteness and the instability of data available. In this sense, the word statistics is used in the singular. As it embodies more of less all stages of the general process of learning, sometimes called scientific method, statistics is characterized as a science. Thus the word statistics used in the plural refers to a set of numerical information and in the singular, denotes the science of basing decision on numerical data. It should be noted that statistics as a subject is mathematical in character.· Thirdly, the word statistics are numerical quantities calculated from sample observations; a single quantity that has been so collected is called a statistic. The mean of a sample for instance is a statistic. The word statistics is plural when used in this sense.

How many sizes did octagon have?

It has infinitely many sizes.

Why have the measurements in dress sizes go up by two dress sizes?

Because the even numbers are "ladies" sizes. the odd numbers are "junior" sizes. It can be confusing, but "junior" dresses don't quite fit the more rounded ladies sizes. By the way? "Women's" sizes start at 18 and go up from there.

What are the different sizes of infinity?

There would be an infinite number of possible sizes.

How do the incident angle sizes and angle of reflection sizes compare?

They have the same measure.

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What is the name for the study of the changes in the sizes of populations?

The name for the study of changes in the sizes of populations is called demography. It involves analyzing factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration, and age distribution to understand population dynamics and trends.

How many counties are in Pennsylvania?

There are 67 counties in Pennsylvania of varying sizes and populations.

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depends on the wood species, the sizes and the county of sale

What is ecological competition?

The simultaneous demand between two or more species-populations for a resource that is not abundant enough to support all of them at the sizes they would attain in the absence of the other species-populations.

When designing an experiment a benefit of larger sample sizes would be more?

Accurate estimates of various statistics.

How are changes in populations related to the availability of an ecosystems resources?

Changes in populations are directly related to the availability of an ecosystem's resources. When resources are abundant, populations can grow. If resources become scarce, populations may decline or face competition, which can lead to changes in population dynamics, such as migration or adaptation to find alternative resources.

What is ecological unstable equilibrium?

an equilibrium point at which, if either population changes, the population sizes will diverge from, rather than return to, the equilibrium point; a combination of population sizes at which the two populations could coexist, but when the combination changed, no impetus exists to return to the equilibrium population sizes.

When does Interspecific competition occurs?

Interspecific competition occurs when two or more species-populations require some resource (typically food or space), but the resource is not abundant enough to support all of them at the sizes they would attain in the absence of the other species-populations.

Populations that have not undergone demographic transition are characterized by?

higher birth rates, higher death rates, shorter life expectancies, and larger family sizes. These populations tend to have higher levels of poverty and less access to education and healthcare compared to populations that have experienced demographic transition.

How did the writers of the US Constitution treat states of different sizes?

In the House of Representatives, states of different sizes were given different numbers of delegates based on how big their populations were. In the Senate each state had the same representation (two senators) regardless of their size.

To quickly locate the countries with the largest populations on Earth?

China, India, and the United States are the top three countries with the largest populations in the world. Additionally, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, and Nigeria are also among the countries with significant population sizes.