

Best Answer

Some are:

  • There are 114 surahs (chapters) in the Quran.
  • There are 30 ajza' (volumes/parts) to the Quran.
  • There are 6236 verses in the Quran (7 verses in the first chapter with Bismillah included but with Bismillah not included for other surahs, otherwise it is: 112 + 6236 = 6348).
  • The "Bismillah" opening phrase is mentioned at the beginning of 113 Surahs and once in the text of Surat al-Naml, so 114 times in total in the whole Quran.
  • The most common print of the Arabic Quran contains approximately 604 pages.
  • The longest chapter, Surat al-Baqarah, contains 286 verses.
  • The shortest chapter, Surat al-Kawthar, contains 3 verses.
  • The longest ayah (verse) is in Surat al-Baqarah, verse 2.282.
  • The shortest ayat (verses) are two letters long and are present in numerous surahs like Taha (20.1)
  • The shortest ayah (verse) with an actual word is in Surat al-Rahman, verse 55.1.
  • Number of words =77437

  • Number of letters =323671

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