Some are:
Number of words =77437
Number of letters =323671
statistics is used in all aspect of life. so which ever one human finds himself it is alwayz beter to give it a name examples are agricultural statistics, insurance statistics, actuarial statistics,educational statistics,financial statistics etc
limitations of statistics are as follows: 1. Statistics does not deal with an individual 2.It is not suitable to the study of qualitative phenomenon 3.Statistical relations are not exact 4.Statistics is liable to be misused 5.Statistics is only a means
Official statistics are statistics that some sort of governing body have signed off on. Unofficial statistics are stats on anything, they have not been approved for one reason or another.
One can find statistics on the number of big rig accidents per year, the frequency, and percentage. Most are annual statistics, although there are some bi-annual and cumulative statistics.
One prerequisite for Bayesian statistics is that you need to know or have prior knowledge of the opposite of the probability you are trying to create.
Aaslam o alaikum job for quran 03217716007
It is just some lamps or Quran verses
There is (just search for the Quran area) recitation (just type in the search on youtube Quran recitation)Haramain Recordingsetc;
Tripitaka is way of ending sadness, Quran is Way for the god
In some Mushafs, (Quran) all the names of Allah swt is written in bold.
No. Quran has some accounts taken from the five books of the Bible.
What types of statistics are you searching for? Please be specific.
Unfortunately, there are no accurate, reliable statistics from the time period.
is the words of god
Only ALLAH subhanahe tallah knows verily there are some predictions by Prophet MOAHAMAMD SALAHO ALAHAY WASALM time, sun, glaciers, sea every natural thing will die or gone for every , Now sun is beating down every years, knowledge has been lifted, Arab become the most vulgar nation,
Quran is divided into 114 Surahs. The Surahs are comparable in length to the books of the Bible. Some references translate Surah as 'chapter', so it is correct to say that Quran has 114 chapters.
statistics is used in all aspect of life. so which ever one human finds himself it is alwayz beter to give it a name examples are agricultural statistics, insurance statistics, actuarial statistics,educational statistics,financial statistics etc