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Q: What are some strategies to help you develop equation that express relationships between two variables?
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How do you determine the relationships between the variables?

That's exactly what the equation tells you.

What is used to show the relationshhip between two variables?

A scatterplot, if the relationship is inexact - like height and weight. A line graph for exact relationships. An equation or function may be used for exact relationships.

What describes a relationship between several variables in an algebraic equation?

an algebraic equation that describes a relationship between several variables is called a?

What information does and equation tell you?

the relationship between variables and/or variables and values

Why was there a need to invent linear equation in two variables?

If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.

Which equation shows a linear relationship between the variables stated?

The equation in which the variables appear only to the first power, including in no denominators.

What are some relationships that exist between variables?

Causation, correlation...

Is the regression equation a mathematical equation that defines the relationship between two variables?

No. It is an estimated equation that defines the best linear relationship between two variables (or their transforms). If the two variables, x and y were the coordinates of a circle, for example, any method for calculating the regression equation would fail hopelessly.

What type of graph shows a direct relationship between variables?

type the equation that shows the relationship between the variables in this chart.

What are two types of mathematical relationships that exist between different variables?

Direct or inverse relationships,that is a problem

Uses bars to show the relationships between variables?

A Bar Graph!

What are interfering variables?

An intervening variable is a hypothetical internal state that is used to explain relationships between observed variables