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Raised, lifted, etc.

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Q: What are some synomyms of inclined?
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well, i know some synomyms for the word tools gear and last but not least GADGETS

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What is the synonym of accentuate?

In various contexts, some synomyms of "accentuate" are emphasize, stress, feature, highlight and show off.

Is a driveway inclined plane?

Some driveways are level, some are inclined.

Is a driveway an inclined plane?

Some driveways are level, some are inclined.

What are some synomyms for the word loathing?

Some synonyms for the word loathing are hatred, horror, malice, odium, repugnance, and revulsion. Some antonyms include admiration, appreciation, approval, and respect.

Is escalator an inclined plane?

It is an inclined plane and some sort of pulley

What some examples of inclined plane?

Some examples of inclined planes are kicker ramps used in Skateboarding. Another example of an inclined plane is an angled driveway. The sides of a pyramid make inclined planes.

What is some inclined planes you use everyday?

Some inclined planes would be a wheelchair ramp, or a binder.

What is the adjective of irritability?

The word irritable works. There are quite a few synomyms.

What are some incline planes?

Some examples of inclined planes are kicker ramps used in Skateboarding. Another example of an inclined plane is an angled driveway. The sides of a pyramid make inclined planes.