Five bar gate Quintuplets
Try sets of two. It is an easier number to handle.
cookingbuildingsciencemeasurementstemperaturetimehere are six
Lots of things. Some of these are: Electrical charge, Ions, Attitudes, Feedback,
Soda, some batteries, combs, and I have seen cups come in groups of 6.
Oh, dude, things that come in six? Let me think... well, you've got six-pack abs, six sides to a hexagon, six strings on a guitar, and uh, six-pack of beer. So yeah, six is like, everywhere if you really think about it.
Some Things Don't Come Easy was created in 1978.
insect legs white strips on an American flag soda/beer in a six-pack
Some things that come in sets are:bookscoffee servicedishesfurnitureglasses (for drinking*)knivesmoviespots & pansrecordssheetsshelvesstationerystemwaretea servicetires*eyeglasses come in pairs
A pair of trousers
days in a week
Some things spelled with six letters that can be worn are:ankletChanel (No.5)fedoraglovesjacketski capslackst-shirttightstuxedoUndieszipper
Yes some of them do come with extra attachments for such things.