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Q: What are some ways that all people are equal?
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If all religions teach that people are equal why don't people all follow the same religion?

Because teaching that people are equal is quite different from teaching that religions are equal.(And some religions actually do not teach either of these things!)

How did other people view Bill Gates?

Some people just now heard of him but some people have all ways knew because they were good friends with him.

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some people just think its not natural for people to like the same sex. but in a perfect world we'd all be equal.

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Orwell's phrase "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" from "Animal Farm" satirizes how in some societies, those in power or at the top of the hierarchy often enforce rules that benefit themselves at the expense of others. The phrase highlights the hypocrisy and corruption often found in systems where equality is claimed but not truly practiced.

What are some ways that all people must use some form of credit?

phone bills, loans, subscribing.

Are gay and straight people equal?

Yes. All people are equal.

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Because some believed that all people should be equal in every way.

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The physically strongest race are the orks, but all races are in some ways equal due to their different strengths and weaknesses.

Why do people bacome racist?

Usually, it is because of the way that they are raised. A lot of people really dont know any different. In other instances, I think that some people fail to realize that God made us all equal and that all humans are equal

Are all men eaqual?

In the eyes of God and under the law, yes all men are equal. In reality some people are born with abilities that others are not born with (this is called natural variation) and thus they are not all equal.

Do isosceles triangles have all equal sides?

Some people classify isosceles triangles as having at least two equal sides, while other say that they must have exactly two equal sides. So, depending on your definition, some isosceles triangles may have all equal sides, but equilateral triangles always have three equal sides.

How do people make up words?

Well some people make up a word and start saying it and other people hear and the say it. Some things happen in odd ways that is all I can say.