There are a number of ways to become more confident. For instance, try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Don't always compare yourself to others but rather promote your positive attributes. Other ideas to become more confident can be found online at Nerd Fitness, Tiny Buddah, and Pick the Brain.
The adverb form of the adjective confident is confidently. It means in a confident or assured manner.
The noun confident and the adjective confident have the adverb form confidently.
Some ways are to do it by syllables, prefixes/suffixes, double letters, etc.
In context with what is written: She is confident with the new task. (adjective) She spoke with great confidence. (adjective)
There are many ways to become more confident, even if you are one of millions who suffer with excessive shyness. Although it takes time to build self-assurance, some simple tips can help you on your way: Remember your talents and skills that make you yourself. Look approachable and have positive body language.
There are some ways to become more self confident. Try volunteering. Volunteering is an excellent way to build self confidence. It helps you to get out and be around other people who are making a difference. You will feel like you are needed and it will give you a feeling of accomplishment. I have written an article on ways to be more self confident. If you'd like to read it, I've enclosed the link.
You shouldprobably get a tattoo, or grow a beard. Or grow some balls and ask her out. girls like confidence, and beards above all. The more confident they are the more confident you need to be.
be yourself,be confident,and the ones that are worth it will like you for you
My suggestion is that you should be confident on your point . if you think you are wrong then you should think not only according to your way but also from others point of view . you should have a confident personality , good clothes so that u should have more confidence in u.
Some words that you can make from the word confident are:codcodecoifcoinconconfidecotdendentdicediddiedietdindinedondoneededitendeonfedfenfendfiefinfindfinefitfoefontIiceiconidifininnionitneonniceninenonodenonenotnoteodeofononetentidetietintinetinttotoetontonetonic
Be confident in yourself - there's nothing sexier than someone who's confident in who they are.
confident person makes his answer appear correct and convince more listeners.
people who are lonely act depressed and sluggish. Because they feel unloved and unwanted. People who arent lonely act more confident.
A photography class is a great way to get more confident with your new camera. The instructor can advise you on the best ways to optimize your portraits and prints.
You should think of what you are aiming to do, and relax. Even though it depends on what you are doing. Sport, exams and more Know what you want to do and do it if you can