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Q: What are spaces between seconds called?
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What are the spaces between rocks and soil called?

The spaces between rocks and soil are called pore spaces or interstitial spaces. These spaces are important for water infiltration, aeration, and root penetration in the soil.

What are the spaces in a comb called?

the spaces between the teeth of a comb are called umpernaters :) that's their scientific name.

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What are the spaces between the topographic lines called?

The spaces between the topographic lines are called contour intervals. They represent the difference in elevation between each line on a topographic map.

What are the spaces between the ribs of corduroy called?

The tufted vertical ridges are called wales. The apparent "spaces" between the wales are actually the base fabric called the ground (which can be plain or twill).

What do Computer experts call spaces that have been inserted for readability?

If the spaces have been inserted between the letters it is called kerning. If the spaces are put between paragraphs or other elements it is simply called formatting (layout).

Spaces between the cells are called?

The spaces between cells are called intercellular spaces. These spaces allow for the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products between cells. They also provide flexibility and allow for movement within tissues.

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The air spaces between rock and soil particles are called?

pore space