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The circles you are talking about are probably caused by irrigation systems. In the center of the circle there is a well and a long pipe suspended by a structure of steel supports on wheels that pivots from the well and moves in a circle around the well, irrigating the ground it reaches. In other words, a large sprinkler system. This is the common way to irrigate out west and other parts of the country, in fairly arid areas where farming would not thrive without it. It's a system that's been used for years. You can see for yourself on Google earth.

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Q: What are squares and circles you see from a plane?
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Both circles and squares are two-dimensional geometric figures.

Are circles considered squares?

No, they are not.

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Circles in the same plane with the same center are concentric circles.

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Circles don't, but the others do, if you think of squares and rectangles as parallelograms.

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circles, squares, rectangles mainly... but the odd semi circles etc...

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Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.

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it is a triangle with circles at the corners, and squares in the middle of the corners. The squares have numbers in them, and you have to put numbers in the circles. However, the numbers in the circles have to add up to the number of the square between them. Simple, right?

Why are circles round?

Because of the lack of squares it has.

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Squares are females. Circles are males. Or it could be the other way around. I have seen it either way. Look for a legend or look for names or see if it says somewhere which is which.

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Puzzle No 86: Squares And Circles, Curious village. Answer = The Blue Square is 4 times larger than the Red Square.

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