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Q: What are statistics about Hinduism?
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What two religions that started in India affected other cultures today?

Hinduism and buddism

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Who is the founder of Hinduism?

There is no founder of Hinduism.

In census statistics how many those who write No Religion have none such as no inherited Hinduism or no baptism or Jewish circumcison or whatever would mean no religion?

To be blunt about it I asked this question but I don't know if its politically incorrect


Hinduism is a religion

The major religion of India is?

indias major religion is Hinduism

What do you call a follower of Hinduism?

Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.

How many people bielieve in Hinduism?

No one believes in Hinduism Now. Hinduism is Dead.

What country is 80 percent Hinduism?

80% of Hinduism is found in India were Hinduism was "born".

Where is Hinduism from?

Hinduism can be found no where in its native form. Hinduism has changed significantly since its origination.

Why does the religion Hinduism have such a high tolerance for religious flexibility?

Hinduism was born with tolerance, Because Hinduism as we know today is very different from original Hinduism. Hinduism was born with Aryans invading India.

Who is the Hinduism's ruler?

there is no single founder of hinduism.