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Q: What are statistics describing populations?
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What is inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics, is used to make claims about the populations that give rise to the data we collect. This requires that we go beyond the data available to us. Consequently, the claims we make about populations are always subject to error; hence the term "inferential statistics" and not deductive statistics.

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What is demograpghy?

It's the study of human populations and characteristics of the people in a given population. It involves answering question like "What are the numbers of people under three years old in the U.S.?" People's ages, ethnic backgrounds, and other such basic information. it's descriptive statistics (as opposed to inferential statistics, which draws conclusions about populations from samples of those populations.

What do you call a person who studies population?

A scientist who studies the growth and density of populations and their vital statistics is known as a demographist!

Why are many crime statistics expressed as rates?

Crime statistics are often expressed as crimes per 100,000 people. This allows for easy comparison of crime between two cities or states with different populations.

Deffirence of discriptive statistics to inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show, or summarize data in a meaningful way such that patterns might emerge from the data. Inferential statistics are techniques that allow us to use population samples to make generalizations about the populations from which the samples were drawn.

In statistics what is the word for the group you are interested in learning about?

In statistics, it is called the 'population'. There are two types of populations: finite and infinite. A finite population can simply be counted such as the number of students in a class. An infinite population, on the other hand, cannot be counted or is very difficult to count such as the residents in a city. Statistics is all about infinite populations because we need to make conclusions about the entire population based on observations of a small sample of that population.

Which are the Differences between population dynamics and demography?

Population dynamics is considered a form of demography. Demography is the study of statistics of human populations. Population dynamics focuses on how those populations change over time, specifically.

Why parameter should not change?

In statistics the parameters of the distributions of populations are the fundamental values of interest. In a way the randomness just gets in the way of learning about the parameters. They are considered constant because they define or characterise the distributions of populations.

What are the projected populations for 2015?

200 000 000 because of larger generations, and less elderly. Its been approved on national statistics.

What is a statition?

"Statition" appears to be a misspelling of "statistician," which is "a person or profession concerned with statistics or the collection and/or study of numerical parametric characterizing sets or populations."

What algebra is in biology?

Common applications of algebra in biology include growth rates of populations and any general statistics about survival, reproduction, etc