Tally charts are good because it helps you to read, count the total amount of the tally and great fun 4 maths
Tally charts are used in math's.
Frequency is used in tally charts and it is the total of the lines. It is normally down the side of the tally chart. Hope this helps. :)
difficult to understand
Bar Graph Pie Chart Line Graph Venn Diagram Tally Chart Pictograph
Tally it is a ready made program. and tally get the 100% correct results. so lot of company used this software.
There are charts that most people don't use, but would not be regarded as obscure for those that use them. Some are more specialised. XY (Scatter) charts are not very specialised but could be regarded as obscure. Area charts are unusual. Doughnut charts are variations of pie charts, but not commonly used. Radar charts, Surface charts and Bubble charts are very much associated with statistic. Stock charts, sometimes known as high-low-open-close charts, are used by people working on stocks and shares. Cylinder, Cone, or Pyramid charts are just variations on bar and column charts using different shapes.
Surveys are a way to collect data from a sample population by asking a series of questions. Tally charts are a way to organize and represent data by using tally marks to keep track of the frequency of specific responses or observations.
Frequency is used in tally charts and it is the total of the lines. It is normally down the side of the tally chart. Hope this helps. :)
difficult to understand
All charts need titles. It helps others to work out what is going on.
stem-and-leaf plot pie chart tally chart
Its a maths bar diagram that you can use with tally charts to help you with counting the amount of things but in order
Bar Graph Pie Chart Line Graph Venn Diagram Tally Chart Pictograph
Tally it is a ready made program. and tally get the 100% correct results. so lot of company used this software.
In tally ODBC is used to connect to other programs and exchange data dynamically
they were used from china
Control charts (also commonly called process-behaviour charts or Shewhart charts) are charts which are used to find out if a business or manufacturing process is in a state of statistical control. They were invented by Walter A. Shewhart in 1920.