

Best Answer

1. Learning alternative number systems helps reinforces the idea that number systems are abitrary. It helps with mathematical reasoning when you are not misled by the provincial conventions of decimal numbers. (That is, there is nothing special about the number 10).

2. The Roman numerals are, indeed, outdated, and defunct. More importantly, they are difficult to work with, and limited in scope. Learning about them brings an appreciation for the extensibility and usefulness of the modern notations. And in general, the value of mathematics is that it is useful and extensible.

Improved Answer:-

1 Because they are still used today throughout the world

2 Because they are part of the evolution of numerical systems

3 Because historically they were conceived by the ruling Etruscans

4 Because they need only letters to represent numbers

5 Because their values are: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

6 Because the are a useful prequisite to learning algebra

7 Because they are used to denote major sporting events

8 Because they are used by movie makers to disguise year of a production

9 Because they are used to indicate a ship's water line

10 Because they are used on sun dials, clocks and watches

11 Because they are used after the names of Kings and Queens

12 Because they are used on one dollar bills as MDCCLXXVI

13 Because they are the numerical element of the Latin language

14 Because they once were the dominant numeracy system in the ancient world

15 Because of the reason why the rules governing them were changed in the Middle Ages

QED by David Gambell

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Q: What are ten good reasons why you still need to learn the defunct and out dated system of Roman numerals?
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