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Tensor has different meanings in different fields of science and engineering. Alot of people are lazy and call tensor fields tensors. As you know math enables us to understand the physical universe. This is a branch of alegbra used to understand things more easily. Its used in math generally to extend understanding of arrays of data to understand physical terms. Einstein used in realitivity and you need alot of time to spend on algebra.

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Q: What are tensors used for?
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What do you mean by tensor?

A tensor is a mathematical object that generalizes the concepts of scalars, vectors, and matrices. It can represent relationships between geometric vectors, scalars, and other tensors. In physics and engineering, tensors are used to describe various physical properties and phenomena in a mathematical framework.

How do you work tf x tf?

To multiply two tensors tf_x and tf_y, you can use tf.matmul(tf_x, tf_y) in TensorFlow. This function computes the matrix product of the two tensors. Make sure the dimensions of the tensors are compatible for matrix multiplication, such as the inner dimensions of the tensors being the same.

What is the significance of the dyadic product of two tensors in the field of mathematics and physics?

The dyadic product of two tensors is significant in mathematics and physics because it allows for the combination of two tensors to create a new tensor that represents a specific physical quantity or transformation. This operation is commonly used in fields such as mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics to describe complex relationships between different physical quantities or properties.

What has the author William John Gibbs written?

William John Gibbs has written: 'Tensors in electrical machine theory' -- subject(s): Electrodynamics, Calculus of tensors, Electric machinery

What has the author Frank Hadsell written?

Frank Hadsell has written: 'Tensors of geophysics for mavericks and mongrels' -- subject(s): Algebras, Linear, Calculus of tensors, Geophysics, Linear Algebras, Mathematics

What has the author Robert Wasserman written?

Robert Wasserman has written: 'Tensors and manifolds' -- subject(s): Calculus of tensors, Generalized spaces, Manifolds (Mathematics), Mathematical physics, Mechanics, Relativity (Physics)

How many metric tensors would be required to form the universe?


Which skateboarding trucks are better thunders or silvers cause you really need a pair of trucks and i have furys that suck that's y i need to change the trucks?

Personal prefence both are outstanding trucks ok tensors are good but theyr heavy thunders are light weight an just as strong as tensors i have used both an i think thunders are way better...ive been skating for 5 years

Is every tensor is a vector?

No. A vector is actually a first order tensor as opposed to all tensors being vectors (vector quantities could be considered a subset of the set of all tensor quantities) because if you were to take a vector in three spatial dimensions A it can be defined by the equation A=A1e1+A2e2+A3e3 and also follows the tensor transformation laws given by A'i=αi'kAk for instance. Tensors however are actually more generalised objects which include vectors, scalars (zeroth order tensors) and more complicated systems.

How much does a high school student learn about tensors in Senior Mathematics?

Depending in which grade level a high school student is in, the subject of tensors in Senior Mathematics may vary. Mostly, the tensor analysis is covered between Grade 9-12. More intensely in grade 12, when Mathematics is taken as a specialized subject.

What has the author A J McConnell written?

A. J. McConnell has written: 'Applications of the absolute differential calculus' -- subject(s): Calculus of tensors

What is difference between vector and tensor?

Tensors are simply arrays of numbers, or functions, that transform according to certain rules under a change of coordinates. Scalars and vectors are tensors of order 0 and 1 respectively. So a vector is a type of tensor. An example of a tensor of order 2 is an inertia matrix. And just for fun, the Riemann curvature tensor is a tensor of order 4.