The greatest prime number less than 200 is 199.
There is only one even prime number, and that is 2. The "less than 200" is a bit of a ruse.
It is 211
The smallest prime number greater than 200 is 211.
211 is the smallest prime number greater than 200.
This is the same as asking "What is the largest prime number?". The answer would be infinity, but infinity isn't a number. There is no answer. Maybe you meant to ask: "What is the SMALLEST prime number greater than 200?". The answer to that is 211.
The first prime number greater than 200 is 211, than it is 227, than 229, 233, 239, 241, and so on and so forth.
There are no factors of 200, prime or otherwise, that are larger than 200.
That depends on which direction you're counting. The largest prime number smaller than 200 is 199. The smallest prime number larger than 200 is 211. 200 itself is not a prime number.
211. There is a list of the first 1000 prime numbers if you look for it in any serach engine.
the greatest prime number less than 200 is 199
The greatest prime number less than 200 is 199.