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Q: What are the 2 Rh factors?
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What are 2 Rh factors?

When referring to blood, you call it positive or negative. These are the two Rh factors.

Is there a difference between Rh neg blood group and a B neg blood group?

RH- and RH+ are not blood types, they are factors.

Can delivery complications with the RH factor be prevented?

Delivery complications with rH factors can be prevented fairly easily. If the mother is rH negative than she will receive a rhogam shot during pregnancy and shortly after the birth. This prevents her body from rejecting the blood of the infant in the situation where they have opposing rH factors.

What do you call the factors when a set of red blood cell surface antigens cause serious interactions between a mother and her developing fetus?

The factors are called Rh incompatibility or hemolytic disease of the newborn. This occurs when a mother is Rh-negative and her fetus is Rh-positive, leading to the mother's immune system attacking the fetus's red blood cells.

How often does 2 parents with positive blood have a child with negative blood?

Theoretically :This is rare actually, and there is two possible genotypes1-Both parents are positive but with different alleles ( heterozygous )---> Rh+Rh- vs Rh+Rh-here there is 25% of kids may have Rh-Rh-2-Both parents are positive with same alleles ( homozygous )---> Rh+Rh+ vs Rh+Rh+here there is Zero% of kids to be negative, because all will be positive.Medical Answers need confirmation and re-confirmation.

Is there any problems of having kids when couples have same Rh factor?

If both parents have the same Rh factor (positive or negative), there is no risk of Rh incompatibility that could affect future pregnancies. Rh factor only becomes a concern when the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, which can lead to Rh incompatibility in the fetus.

Can boy and girl with b positive blood group but different RH factor marry?

Yes, a boy and a girl with B positive blood group but different Rh factors can marry. The Rh factor of a person's blood does not prevent them from marrying someone with a different Rh factor. It only becomes relevant if they plan to have children together, as Rh incompatibility can cause issues during pregnancy.

What is the difference between blood type O and O positive?

Blood Type O has no Anti Rh factors. O+ blood is positive for Rh Antibodies.

Who are more prone to HIV Rh negative or Rh positive?

There is no direct correlation between being Rh positive or Rh negative and susceptibility to HIV. HIV can infect individuals of any blood type, regardless of their Rh status. The main factors determining HIV risk include engaging in high-risk behaviors such as unprotected sex or sharing needles.

If a Mother is A positive blood group and a Father is A positive blood group can they have a child that is O negative blood group?

That is always possible if both the parents are heterozygous for Rh antigen gene. It means that both the parents. There are 2 different alleles for the Rh factor known as Rh+ and Rh-.Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-. Someone who Rh- has a genotype of Rh-/Rh-. If their genotypes are Rh+/Rh-, then their is possibility of of Rh- also.Rh factorPossible genotypesRh+Rh+/Rh+Rh+/Rh-Rh-Rh-/Rh-Prof. A.L. Bhatia O blood is also recessive to type A, so both parents could be heterozygous type A's. Their genotypes would have to be A/O.

Is A negative blood the same as A Rhesus Negative?

No, A negative blood refers to the absence of the A antigen on red blood cells, while Rhesus negative (Rh-) refers to the absence of the Rh antigen. A person can be A negative and Rh positive or A negative and Rh negative.

What is a probability of 2 Rh plus heterozygous have 4 Rh- children?

1/8 or 12.5%