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Q: What are the 2 lines in clothes?
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When were clothes dryers invented or when were clothes lines discontinued?

clothes lines arent discontinued, some people still use them. Ive been to turkey and Portugal and they still use clothes lines on a normal basis clothes lines arent discontinued, some people still use them. Ive been to turkey and Portugal and they still use clothes lines on a normal basis

What does curve lines on clothes mean?

the stitching.

What illusion does curved lines on clothes create?


What do curved lines effect have on clothes?

I am a bit confused about your question. If you mean about like cut curved lines, then this is your answer: If there is a curved cut line on clothes, A.there may show your skin that you don't want people to see This answer is about the design of the curved lines on clothes: A. It may ruin the clothes that you bought or made. B. It may just look weird.

Do clothes hung at washing lines in different places dry up at the same time?

yes we have to hung clothes at wasing lines at different placesdry up at same time beacouse if we hung clothes at the same place they will not be dry.manahil

Where can one purchase clothes lines?

Clothes lines can be purchased from Bed Bath & Beyond, Wayfair, Gardener's Supply Company, The Sportsman Guide, eBay, Lowe's, Kotula's, and Mills Fleet Farm.

What is a clothes horse?

It is something that you hang clothes on, An object on which you hang clothes to dry, it is normally a metal frame with horizontal lines going across it. I have added a link of a picture.

Where is the clothes line in early Poptropica?

The clothes lines are all in Poptropica Heights, to the left of Main Street. Jumping on them will bounce you up to the rooftops.

What is a shape with 4 straight lines and 2 parallel lines and 2 unparalleled lines?

A shape with 4 straight lines in which there are 2 parallel and 2 unparallel lines is called a Trapezium.

What are 2 lines that do not and will not intersect?

2 lines that do not and will not intersect are called parallel lines.

Which 2 lines can intersect?

Any 2 lines can intersect providing that they are not parallel lines

Is there 2 lines of symmetry or 4 lines of symmetry in a rectangle?

2 lines of symmetry