If you want to pass the test, then you should study all ten questions. With only three questions on the test, missing one would give you a 67% score, and that is generally a fail - you don't want that - so study all ten questions.
62 questions, you just have to divide 48 by 3 and that is 14 and then you just add 14 to 48.
77 and 1/3%
It is: 30/35 or 85.714% to 3 decimal places providing all answered questions were correct
You got 131/3 % wrong and 862/3 % correct. Obviously it was not a math test.
There are 18 questions on the permit test. You cannot miss more than 3.
go to lemonparty.org it will answer all ur lemon questions
You missed 3 questions.
The test has 125 questions and you have 3 hours to take it. There are books on line that can steer you in the right direction but are rather costly.
where can i find sample questions for national achievement tests for grade 3
20C5 = 20*19*18*17*16/(5*4*3*2*1) = 15504
For Ohio driving test questions, you can visit bmv.ohio.gov. There is a multiple choice test that has questions resembling the actual test.
If you want to pass the test, then you should study all ten questions. With only three questions on the test, missing one would give you a 67% score, and that is generally a fail - you don't want that - so study all ten questions.
Your score would be 90.91%
Yes there are test questions on the fallen